Book of Wonders
Naturally Lucia, my adorable little granddaughter, has to have her own Book of Wonders.
I got the idea for the book, which in some languages is called an activity book and in others a quiet book, on the internet. (They’re also known as busy books or touch-and-feel books.) Russians are especially good at this kind of book.
The idea is that on every page there’s something the child can open, close, find, or simply play with.
Here on the front page, for example, the sun can be taken off so Lucia can find the blue bead, the balloons can be moved around, and the teddy bear can clap his hands.
The book measures 25 x 25 cm.
The book deserves protection so I made a bag for it out of strong plastic with a little string of beads as decoration.
The letters on the beads spell out a text that Lucia can try to read when she’s old enough.
If you’d like to see the other pages and activities take the Guided Tour here.
NB Quilt • Dragør • Denmark